Sunday, April 24, 2011

24/4/11 - catching up!


Been an awfully long time since i've updated here.  I really don't know where the time has gone.  Yes I do - work :(

I went back to work, 3 days a week, from the end of January.  Have just been enjoying two and a half weeks of holidays now, but back to the grind again Wednesday, so I only have two more days of freedom left.

Plenty has been going on.  Excuse the way I write this - need to get it all down for my own records, as it's currently scribbled on the calendar!

11/12 Jan - went to Melb overnight, stuck another two nights as we couldn't get home due to floods.  Monkey did her weekly poo whilst in a hotel room on the highway, necessitating her very first daddy-daughter shower.  Can only say thank goodness she's breastfed, as it made life so much easier being stuck in those roadblocks!

4 Feb - pro photos, summer theme.  Very cute nudie shot of Monkey.

8 Feb - pear!  Loved it! She's been a solids monster every since.

10 Feb - 4 month needles.  Daddy took her, and she coped well, but he did not.  He informed me I was to take her for needles from now on.

17 Feb - rolled over!  No stopping her now!

17/18/19 Feb - Grandparents visited.  Loved having them dote on the Monkey and give me a break!  Cried when they left :(

20 Feb - first Monkey and Mum bath together.  So lovely!

21 Feb - Monkey's first cold settled in to stay for the week.  Scary for us, but she was over it within about 4 days.  I put it down to the breastfeeding again, magical stuff! Also the alternative treatments we sought out.

22 Feb - Monkey had a Reiki to help clear her cold.  So amazing to watch, so really responded well to it.

24 Feb - first drink of formula.  Sad day for mummy, but she apparently didn't even notice it was any different to a normal bottle. She's only had four all up (I think) and only on days when I haven't left enough EBM at home.

3 March - more photos, this time with Daddy. (reminds me - I must pick them up!)

4 March - water in a sippy cup for the first time.  Not impressed.  She looked at me as though I was having a big joke.  She's now better on it, although in the sippy cup it ends up more down her front than in her mouth. We'll get there though!

9 March - snuggled with Mummy for the first time!  Monkey isn't a snuggly bub, so it was very heart-meltingly cute when I picked her up and she snuggled her face into my neck.  Bliss!

19 March (about 5 months) - finally worked out the fun of the rattle!  Yay!

23 March - snuggled into Daddy when picked up for the first time.

26 March - discovered how to splash in the bath.  This is now her favourite bathtime game.

27 March  - sat up on her own for two minutes!  Breakthrough!

28 March - Jolly Jumper arrived.  Monkey just sort of hung there, albeit with a grin on her face.  She's now into walking in circles when in it.  28th March was also brought to us by the letter "fffff", which has become a favourite repeated sound.

6 April - discovered her cough.  This has developed into an attention seeking tool, and while sort of cute, I fear for her poor little throat!

11 April-  made a "dadadada" sound.  We don't think she can yet associate the sound with her dad, but it's so cute to hear!  Obviously he has been brainwashing her and I need to put in more training with the "mumumum" sounds.

12 April - Monkey first flight!  Melbourne to Sydney. Only an hour, but she did so well.  Slept through takeoff and giggled through landing.  Return flight on the 18th was more grizzly, but no real screams until she saw her dad at the airport.  He was most unimpressed at such a reception!  In between she had a lovely visit with the grandparents and great aunt, great nan and friends.

22 April - second cold arrived.  We're in the worst of it right now, with her so stuffed up.  I feel so sorry for the little monkey. Hoping the magical breastmilk will help shoo it away quickly.  That and vicks rub for babies.

Ok, I think that's it for the catch up! I need to update this more regularly, so will make more time in my week.  She's just growing so, so fast!

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