22/1/2011 15w (I think? need to check that one!)
Ok, so i'm trying to decide when to introduce solids.Reading the ABA website, I would be a terrible mother if I did this before 6 months. But the MCHN says 4 months is ok. What to do?
I want to introduce some solids when I go back to work so that husband has something more to feed her for when I can't pump enough milk. But maybe formula top ups are a better idea?
Guess I need to do more research.
In other news, I swear she's been saying "mum" the last two days. I know it's more likely she's just making noises that sound like "mum", but I like to think she's having a chat with me!
This morning she peed through the snugglers nappy, up her back and all over the clean linen. No idea how that happened as the back of the nappy was bone dry. She wasn't too concerned by it - spent ages in her basinette chatting to herself and her elephant toy.
Speaking of, she's chatting away in there now, in a "mum, come get me" kind of voice.
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