Monday, April 25, 2011

The common cold

Poor Monkey has an awful cold. She's all snot and sneezes and generally looks miserable. She's also throwing up an awful lot, I guess because she's so snotty.

Husband is out with the boys tonight. I've tidied the house, then cut the fabric to sew bub a skirt, some mittens and a new dummy clip. Feeling very crafty. Tomorrow i'll dig out the sewing machine and put them all together. I found some gorgeous fabric at Spotlight last week, so just had to find something to make with it.

Bub has slept a fair bit these last couple of days. Last night I had to put her in her chair to sleep (strapped in, of course) as she was so upset lying down. I also gave her panadol. I wish she would start sleeping through again, but one wake up a night isn't so bad. I know other mums have it much worse.

Off to bed now. Made myself a promise that I will be in bed by 10pm each night this week... so far i'm failing that one, as it's 10:45, but it could be later, right?

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