Friday, October 29, 2010

29/10/2010 - BF troubles continue

29/10/2010 - 16 days old

Well. Saw the LC today and turns out they now think I have thrush in the breast AND a bacterial infection from the cracked nipples. $80 in meds later, and we're being treated. I had a teary today thinking that with all this hassle maybe we should have gone with formula from the word go... but now, with all this investment, I feel I should stick with breast. If one more person says "there's no shame in going to formula/bottles" I might slap them. I really just want support!

Monkey had a terrible night's sleep last night. Hourly feeds, a projectile vomit down my cleavage and lots of crying. She just wouldn't settle. Tonight she had another vomit- seems to be at least one every 24 hours. The LC says it's ok, but I'm getting more and more worried. Plus she just won't sleep in the evenings, won't settle till about 2am. Maybe I'm just being a worried first time mum.

She was perfect on her pram ride to the LC at the hospital today - slept all the way.

I was thinking maybe I'm drinking too much milk, and she has a reaction to that? Will just have to see how we go over the weekend and ask the LC what we can do on Monday.

At least hubby is home for the weekend so I might get some sleep

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