Wednesday, October 27, 2010


27/10/2010 - 14 days

Happy two week birthday to my little monkey! Despite being super exhausted today, I feel good for having had a c/s 2 weeks ago. I really thought recovery would take longer, but apart from some bowel pains I feel pretty good.

Monkey's navel thingy fell off last night. Thank goodness! It was hanging by a thread and I was desperate for it to fall off. Now she has a perfect little innie belly button. She was weighted today by the MCHN and is now 7pd 4oz. Her head circumference has also grown - more room for all her brains!

Thrush is still here, as is the over supply. I leaked onto my top during the post natal class today. I also left Monkey in the next room, sleeping in her pram at the creche while the group was on. It was so hard to leave her! Next week the MCHN said I can have her in the room with us if I want, since she's so new.

I'm not sure about the benefit of the PND group. There are lots of scary bogans in the group, although some really nice women as well. I'll go again next week and see how we go. It was definitely a mission getting ready - took us an hour to feed, pack the nappy bag, get the pram ready and get out the door, all for a 10 minute walk to the center!

Tomorrow I really need to have a day sleep. I'm like a zombie tonight and just feel like I haven't had a break. Monkey is feeding every 2 hours this evening. I really hope that doesn't continue tonight. Last night she was pretty good - fed at 2030, then midnight, then had a giant vomit and stayed awake till 0200 when she fed, then slept until 0600. So there were two good stretches of sleep there.

Speaking of, she's hungry again. Thrush is still here, but the MCHN said it should go within 3-4 days. Tomorrow is day 3 of treatment, so I'm hoping to feel better tomorrow.

Off to feed. Feeling a little like a milking cow. Maybe not a great analogy - at least milking cows don't get milked every 3-4 hours! At least it's all going better with feeding now.

Night everyone

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