Wednesday, January 19, 2011

19/1/2011 getting on track

19/1/2011 - 14 weeks

Time is flying. I go back to work in under two weeks. Yikes. At least it's part time, but still... don't feel ready.
I'm watching "Evil Angels" on tv. I still don;t know what i believe. Did the Chamberlains kill Azaria, or was it a dingo? Azaria is a pretty name. She would be almost the same age as me now, a little older.

Monkey now sleeps 7-8 hours most nights. I need to learn to go to bed earlier, as my 11pm bedtime now means I only get 5-6 hours sleep before she decides it's playtime. But we're doing a whole lot better.

I've started seriously trying to lose weight. Managed 1.5kg loss in the first week, then we went away for the weekend, got stuck at flood roadblocks coming home and all sorts of stress - basically i ate too much in Melbs and then ate McDonald's three times in three days as we tried to get home. oops. I feel huge, and looking over old photos last night only made me feel even worse. I don't know how to get down to the size I was when husband and I first met, but darn, I looked good then! And that was only 3 years ago. At least I'm finally wearing "real" clothes, not maternity ones.

Monkey is giggling a little now too. I love it! First thing she does when she wakes is grin a whole face-encompassing smile, and then have a stretch and a little limb-shake. Very cute. She's better at self-settling too, which i think is thanks to our day at the day-stay sleep school just before Christmas. I even cancelled our residential stay in Melbourne at the sleep school. She seems to only cat-nap during the day, but has a few, and if we go out in the pram she'll sleep as long as its moving. This means I walk every morning for at least an hour, so it's good for me too.

Breastfeeding update - it's going ok. Struggling with feeds on the left this week, but I think that was a bad attachment for a few days last week, and seems to be slowly improving. So I'm now halfway to our 6 month goal. I think we'll introduce solids at 4 months (rice cereal to start with, of course) and then phase out breastmilk during the day feeds and pump instead so there is enough EBM while I'm at work. I don't seem to be able to pump much.

Tomorrow I don't know what we'll do - probably a morning walk to the post office as i have some stuff to send. Maybe even mow the lawn.

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