Thursday, October 20, 2011


Lots to update on!

First, traveling OS - went really well! We had a bassinet seat on three of the four international flights and she slept part of the time on each. The noise of the plane and engines seemed to lull her to sleep. The four internal flights were a bit harder as she was on our laps, but totally manageable. She only really cried on one of those internals and it was only an hour. The hardest thing was that one of us had to be awake at all times on the planes so she didn't fall out of our arms or out of the bassinet. We fed her mandarines on the way up and down to help her ears, although did have to take her to the Dr while we were away - she had fluid on her ears but no infection.

She charmed everyone everywhere we went, especially on the busses in LA! Her grandparents adore her and had the best time with her. Top two middle teeth came through on around 6/10 while we were away.

Back at work and back to regular daily grind now. Her newest trick, started on the plane, is to scrunch up her nose and breathe in and out of it really fast. Quite funny. Tonight she also decided that rocking back and forth, sort of slamming her body into her high chair, is a fun game. No walking yet, but she's so close. She "walks" while holding onto our fingers, but is only able to stand for a couple of seconds herself. Lots of cruising around the furniture.

Sleep is same same. Waking once or twice a night, sometimes worse and very occasionally sleeping 11pm-7am. We're down to one breastfeed a day, sometimes every second day. I'm sort of trying to wean, but not that actively. It'll happen over the next month, i'd say - we're doing it slowly! Last night it was quite good as I have her a BF at about 930pm when she wouldn't settle and she went right down until 3am.

Her 1st birthday was lovely. Her birthday day I had to work and husband managed to burn his hand, so we kept it low key - pizza for husband, curry takeaway for me and Monkey and then birthday cake. I just made a round butter cake with pink icing for her cake. She loved it! Stuffed a whole piece in her mouth and munched away for ages.

The weekend after her birthday we had a BBQ in the park with friends - lots of people, great food, great weather. She shared her day with her little friend and I made them a women's weekly "1" cake, which they both loved. Gorgeous day.

I think that's everything updated.

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