Sunday 5 June 2011
Well, seems like I've fallen into a pattern of posting on Sunday nights. Not sure why that is. Probably because hubby is off with his mates, the house is clean and tidy and Monkey is asleep by now. I intended to be in bed by 9pm tonight but accidentally fell asleep on the couch earlier for an hour, and now i'm wide awake! Monkey and I went for a swim today and a giant walk, so we both needed an afternoon nap!
She's loving her swimming. Was a bit tired today, but splashed about anyway and kicked her legs. Today I put her under (saying "one two three, go!") and she did really well. Looked at me like I was a weirdo, but didn't cry or swallow water. Getting her changed is tricky as she's so wriggly now, constantly wanting to roll over so she can hang out on her front. I find I have to shower with her, then stand in the change rooms in my wet swimmers while I dry and dress her, put her in the pram with a rusk or toy and then dry and dress myself! Pretty cold for mums but Monkey needs to be kept warm.
She's been almost crawling for a week now. Hubby is under strict instructions not to let her crawl for the first time while I'm at work! It's only a matter of time now though. Today she was on our bed and we saw her get up on her hands and knees, do the rocking thing she's getting so good at, and then put one hand and one knee forward before belly flopping. Not sure if it was on purpose or by accident, but she sure looked like she was starting to crawl.
Have had some work stress this last week, which is getting me down a bit. Very keen to sell and move on out of here so I can start over at a new job. That said, I love my job except for this one person I'm struggling with. Sigh. I guess it's like I tell the kids - we all have to work with people we don't necessarily like. A bunch of c**p went down on Friday when I wasn't at work, but the top boss called me to explain it all. I'm just hoping the person involved doesn't take it out on my tomorrow. I notice he's unfriended me on Facebook, but not sure if that was recently or a while back. Blah. Will just lay low and avoid interaction, I think.
On an unrelated note, Monkey has been doing so well with her eating. She's having milk first up, then cereal with fruit in the mornings, then boob/bottle around lunch, veg and meat in the early evening and more boob before bed. I also gave her "my first" vegemite on bread two days ago and she loved it - ate the lot. Rusks don't last long now either, being turned into glue pretty quickly! My milk seems to have decreased a bit, so I've been taking Fenugreek again, just one or two a day. I learned the hard way last week that it should be taken in the morning, so i have more evening milk. I took it at night and was so engorged by lunch I had to come home from work to feed Monkey!
I've been working on a big tidy up here. Have a suitcase of old clothes photographed and waiting to be listed on ebay (my maternity stuff and Monkey's), have packed up her clothes I want to keep, have gone through a stack of magazines to cut out recipes/articles and ready to recycle the leftovers. I also went through the plastics cupboard tonight and threw out anything that's not BPA free. I watched 60 minutes and they successfully scared me into worrying about BPA. Luckily we have the TT "closer to nature" bottles, which claim to be BPA free. Only one of her sippy cups wasn't, so it's been tossed. Tomorrow I'll go to the health food store as I've seen they have SIGG type sippy cups in the window.
Bed time now, I think, or I'll be a wreck at work tomorrow. My copy of "Wits end before breakfast" arrived on Friday so might snuggle in with that! (thanks again for the prize!)
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