Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Mothers Day!!

10 May 2011

Sunday was Mothers Day, my first one! Monkey gave me a gorgeous card with her footprints on it and a lovely ring. We all went out for coffee and cake, and then Husband and I watched a DVD while Monkey had a nap. It was a nice, quiet day.

I also managed to take some prints of her hands on Sunday, finally! Also, today I swear she said "yum" as she was eating her cereal and fruit for breakfast. Maybe just my imagination!

Monkey still has a cold. I took her to the doctor on Saturday (and to get my blood test results). She's fine - just a bad head cold. I'm apparently also fine. Just PND and low iron making me tired and making my feet hurt (?!). I feel like there's more going on. Maybe it's something to do with diet. Monkey had a high temp yesterday. Hubby rang me to tell me she was "running a fever" but I don't think it was that bad. Right now she's in her Jolly Jumper dancing away with Nursery Rhymes in the background, happy as can be!

We've been searching for a humidifier/vaporizer for her, but nothing under $70 in this silly town. In the meantime I'm just keeping her warm, putting baby Vicks on her chest and back and milk as much as she wants. Have also been feeding her mango (tinned and pureed) to keep the vitamin C coming in. She also starts the night in her cot and ends up sleeping next to our bed in her chair, fully reclined. Poor little Monkey.

No bites on our house yet. I swear the scum across the road are going to ruin this sale for us. We might have to take ten grand off the price just to get some bites. Grrr. We both keep saying we can't dwell on should have's (ie, should have bought in another street) because we're saddled with this one now, so we just need to sell. Even if we sell for $10K under the current asking price, we'll still have $20k over what we owe, so we'll come out on top. Just might not be able to put the extension on the new place yet. One of the bosses came up to me yesterday to tell me the head boss wants to talk to me about my "plans". Blah! We don't have any plans until we sell, so that makes it hard.

Monkey is getting restless. I hope her cold goes soon. We're missing Mother's Group today as we're both all germy. I hate seeing her so clogged up and cranky. I now understand - I would take it all for her if I could and be sicker so she could be better! Not sure what more we can do though.

All is good other than that, I think. I'm hoping to get some sewing done today if she has another nap. Hoping the Jolly Jumper action will make her tired! Might also get online and see about more jobs up North where we plan to move. Quite difficult knowing what to do when we don't know when we'll move. It'll all come together, I suppose.

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