Wednesday, January 19, 2011


5/11/2010 - 3w, 2 days

Wow, it's been almost a week since I last wrote in here. Family have been visiting from interstate this week. It's been so good to have them here, although I wish it were just my parents, not the whole tribe.

Had some great pro photos taken yesterday, and Monkey slept through it all. I wish she would do that at night! Night sleeping has been BAD the last few nights. Feeding every 2-3 hours and then staying awake with wind/grizzles/unknown reasons for another hour. I had a two hour nap today and feel so refreshed!

Boobs have settled down more so far as milk goes. Thrush is still here, so we're hitting it from more angles - I'm on two different types of antibiotic until next Wednesday then we'll reassess.  I'm almost getting used to the pain, but can't even fathom putting up with it for too much longer. I might even go see a naturopath if the LC can't fix it with modern medicines.

Monkey has put on 600grams in the last 3 weeks, since birth! Obviously despite my BF troubles, she's getting what she needs. This definitely makes me feel better about breastfeeding. Also, a lady in the health food shop today was super encouraging about breastfeeding. I'm pleased to know there are some people out there who don't just go the "there's no shame in formula" line when I talk with them but understand my almost crazy need to keep going with this.

Now, time to cook dinner. I'm feeling we might end up with eggs on toast tonight. I'm so out of practice with cooking after having people cook for us, and then family here!

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