Wednesday, January 19, 2011


31/10/2010 - 2w, 4 days old

Well, seems my boobs might be listening to me - they seem to be slightly more settled today. Still bloody sore, especially the right, but less leakage. Have also had a couple of good feeds, mostly on the left. Monkey and I seem to have lost the art of painless attachment, but i'm not sure what has changed. The LC called Saturday, and said she'd call again tomorrow, so I'll ask her if we can maybe come in and do a supervised feed. If the pain is still here she might have to see us anyway.

Monkey came to a Halloween party with us last night. We went between feeds, only for about 2 hours. and she slept the whole time! Loud music and conversation, and people in crazy costumes - she didn't even notice! Then when we got home I put on some classical music for her to sleep and she grizzled for hours

Had a big yell at hubby last night. He put the pillow over his head when she cried and went back to sleep. I was so mad, especially since he said that being the weekend he would help more with night time feeds. He apologised this morning, and so did I, but it was a horrible moment. It also occurred right before a particularly painful feed, so I cried the whole time. I think Monkey picks up on that too, which doesn't help. It was a definite "what the hell are we doing - let's just go to formula" moment. Feeling better about the BFing today though. Have decided to try and get to 6w, then we'll reassess. We'll see - not sure if I can make that goal with nights like last night. It's strange how everything seems harder at the night feeds, yet in the morning I get a little sunshine and it's all manageable again.

Ok, she's waking (I swear she knows when I'm on the computer!). Had a hilarious moment last feed when she shat through her nappy and suit, so hubby changed her and she vomited on the first outfit, then shat on him, then vomited again. He was in such a panic! She is a cutie though.

Time to feed.

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