Wednesday, January 19, 2011

14/12/2010 The benefits of sleep school

14/12/2010 - 8w, 6d

Well, been a pretty good week all up. We've had sleep school (which taught me some settling techniques, and the nurse was a friends mum and really, really lovely), lots of trips around town to do the Christmas shopping, a night out (with Monkey) and a renewed interest in getting thinner again.

The wii fit says I'm 20kg overweight. Yikes. I knew I was fat, but jeepers, that number is huge. So I've been making an effort to get out with Monkey and the pram each day, and also walk the dog in the evenings. I feel like a heifer, so it's time to do something about it. That said, I just ate a bowl of frozen yogurt....

We have a new discovery that has helped IMMENSELY with sleep. It's a CD of noises that send Monkey to dreamland so quickly. She's still waking 3 hourly, but at least settling is getting easier. I usually put her down about 7/8pm, she has a sleep, then I wake her for a later feed at 10/11 when I go to bed. Tonight i'm not going to wake her -just going to see how she goes. I figure maybe she will have a longer sleep early in the night if I leave her. Can't hurt to try it, anyway.

She's really responding to us now. Lots of smiles, she loves singing and adores the bright pages of her books. We have little conversations now, which makes me feel like she's giving a bit back! I feel happier too. Besides a total spaz at hubby last night (I lost it, big time!) I've been a much nicer person.

My new pump arrived today. Well, it's 2nd hand, but new to me. It's a Medela Swing. I've just sterilised it all, and it's air-drying, so I might pump tomorrow morning after the first feed. Not sure how to approach this pumping business. I want to build up the freezer supply, as the stuff in there will be "out of date" by mid January when I go back to work. But I also don't want to tell my body to produce more, just as my supply is getting under control! Monkey has arguments with my boobs every feed from the fast flow. She can be quite dramatic about it, actually. Might have to call the ABA and see what they say about expressing.

Shower then bed for me now. I'm covered in mozzie repellent, although it doesn't keep the locusts from landing on me. Eugh.

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