Sunday, November 6, 2011

6/11/2011 chucky

Monkey has been keeping us on our toes at bedtime lately.

Thurs 3/11 she slept all night.
Since then she's not slept through, but has "skipped" one of her wakes (either the 11pm or the 3am).

However, she's started chucking. I mean serious power spews. She's not sick, so we're just not sure what the deal is. It first happened Tuesday night (I think) and involved a complete outfit/bed change. Friday night (I think) it was a little one, involving a bed change and top change. Then tonight, another masssive one. Even had to move her room about to clean the carpet!

Two things we think might be causing it:
1) the introduction of A2 milk
2) custard (the baby kind made from powder) mixed with pureed fruit after dinner.

We're going to cut the custard first and draw out her bedtime a bit longer. Dinner, then bath, then milk, then sit up cuddling for a bit and then bed.

It's just bizarre. Not really sure what to do about it. Might even call the MCHN and see if she thinks we should go to regular milk, or a non-dairy. Monkey is fine after she spews - all smiles and giggles, so i'm thankful for that!

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