Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Yoghurt and grobags

17 May 2011

It's been awhile since i've updated. The biggest thing that's happened is that Monkey ate yoghurt and bread for the first time last Saturday. She LOVED the yoghurt.She also gnawed on the bread (soy & linseed) for ages before falling asleep with it turning to glue in her hands. In addition to these new foods, she's been having meats in her evening meal. So far, chicken and beef. I've been buying the Heinz tins as I can't quite get my head around how to add our meat to her meals. I'll get there though.

I'm in desperate need of some new grobags for her. I have a bunch of 0-6 month sleeping bags but she's too long for them. We keep squeezing her into them at the moment. Today I found a sleeping bag at Vinnies for $2, which is currently in the wash. It's in great condition, though not a grobag. I'd like two more of the no-sleeve ones, proper grobags in different weights. Ebay, methinks.

I've been sewing a LOT. Made some ribbon blankie comforter things, some dummy clips and have the fabric for a bunch of breastfeeding covers and change table covers. I'd love a proper sewing space, but for now the kitchen table gets overrun for an evening, then everything goes back into a plastic crate. I'm having fun making them. They're my stress release!

I still need more time to get life in order. I know that sounds ridiculous when I make time for a hobby, but my days seem so rushed. I'm either at work, at my second job, or at home looking after Monkey. And when I'm home I'm trying to exercise an hour a day, or off to mothers group or headed to the supermarket. Then there's cooking, walking the dog, cleaning the house, blah! I have a bunch of little jobs that need doing, like sorting through a stack of magazines that have lived in the corner of the study for 6 months. Or paint the laundry skirting boards. Or put the maternity clothes on eBay. Silly little things, but I want to get them done. None of these jobs are easy when Monkey is rolling about the floor. Plus, when I get time I want to do fun things, like sewing, not housework!

Bub is rolling all over the place now as well as her favorite, sitting! She is quite the master sitter these days, even able to reach for toys and then rebalance herself.

Off now to cook dinner before heading out for job #2.

1 comment:

  1. I bought all my grobags on eBay - it is just the place for such things. And my boys both loved yoghurt - still do. What's not to love??
