Wednesday, January 19, 2011


18/11/2010 - 5w 1d

Well. Looks like i'm going to have to get some counselling for the PND. I don't mind - I think it's a great thing, actually. It's that or slowly continue to go crazy. Or I can go to one of the live-in clinics in Melbourne for a week, but I don't want that. So counselling it is. PND sucks, by the way.

Had a stupidly bad night on Tuesday. I was in a crumpled, crying heap by 1am, unable to settle bubba. Husband had to help, but then he went back to the spare room. He just doesn't understand that looking after the house and then being up with a crying bubba all night is hard work. I know he works all day, but I need him to pitch in more. (yes, I told him that).

Last night Monkey had one 5 hour stretch between feeds, which is super awesome! Of course, I woke after 3 hours with achy boobs, and then woke every half hour to poke her after that (absurd SIDS fears continue), but hopefully this is a sign of more settled times to come. Touch wood.I also bought some Breuers colic mix today, so we'll see if that settles her more. I feel it's reflux, but the MCHN says it's just normal, that I just have lots of milk. We're seeing a chiropractor as well, to see if he can do anything.

I went to Harvey Norman this evening to print off some photos to start her baby album.

Hmmm. Not much else. She's almost out of all her 0000 suits. Definitely can't put on the ones with feet and hands in them, but the short sleeve ones are still ok. I've already cleared a bunch out of her dresser ready to put on ebay. I figure we'll keep some of her things- just the outfits I love, and the bonds wondersuits, stuff like that. I definitely got her too much clothing, but most was second hand, so I don't feel like I wasted money.

Ok, dinner time.

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